Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why I Will Recommend IHT 9 Shampoo?


As a staunch believer of naturopathy, I have always tried to treat (successfully) common ailments using herbs, spices, vegetables and fruits. Few months back, some of my friends and a dear relative of mine complained of mild to severe hair loss and most of them were under stress because of this. This prompted me to do a reaserch and find out herbs and/or natural remedy for combating hair loss.

Some years back while looking for adjuvents for allopathic treatment of diabetes, I had done a research over Fenugreek seeds and during this study I had also understood its (fenugreek) property of stimulating hair follicles of scalp. Therefore, I decided to start with Fenugreek for my quest to find a reliable remedy for hair loss.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) has a unique mix of constituents that helps in hair growth. Fenugreek nourishes scalp and gives hair healthy look. The seeds of Fenugreek are extremely potent and thus have a medicinal effect to reduce balding, hair fall, and hair thinning. The most important property of Fenugreek is its ability to dilate blood vessels of the scalp, thereby improving blood circulation and nutrient supply to this area. This function of Fenugreek is almost similar to Minoxidil (Rogaine) a drug that increases hair growth.

To one of my friend, I recommended this remedy: Soak fenugreek seeds overnight. Throw away the water, and grind it to paste. Apply it to hair especially over scalp area affected with hair loss. Massage your scalp slowly with tips of your fingers for 10 to 15 minutes and wash it off after an hour. My friend religiously followed this remedy for few days. His feedback was positive but at the same time he complained that he has to put in a lot of effort and time to complete the whole process of soaking the seed, making paste and then application and massaging. He asked if few shampoos that claim to have fenugreek as ingredient could be of some help … and this question gave another direction to my research and thought process.

I decided to find out brands (shampoos) over the Internet with the objective to find a shampoo which does not only contain Fenugreek but also free from chemicals. My other criteria were:

- As chemical free as possible
- Environmentally friendly
- Comes from established and reputed company
- Recommended by professional websites/hair care experts
- Beneficial for hair loss

Among so many brands available over Internet, I zeroed on a Shampoo called 'IHT 9' primarily because it contains 'Fenugreek' as one of the key ingredients and other reasons being that:

- It is free from harmful chemicals specially SLS & Paraben
- It is without artificial color or fragrance
- It contains rare herbs (all natural) as active ingredients.

Now, when a shampoo declares that it does NOT contain SLS & Paraben, then it is a big plus point. Because most of the shampoos available in the market contains SLS & Paraben and actually these are very harmful chemicals and do more harm to health of hair and scalp than doing any good (except for cleaning of course!). SLS, Paraben and Phthalates have been linked to numerous health problems.

SLS is the most dangerous ingredient used in skin and hair care products. It is very corrosive and readily attacks greasy surfaces. A study at the University of Georgia Medical College, indicated that SLS penetrated into the eyes as well as brain, heart, liver, etc., and showed long-term retention in the tissues. The study also indicated that SLS penetrated young children's eyes and prevented them from developing properly and caused cataracts to develop in adults. IHT 9 Shampoo does NOT contain SLS.

What makes IHT 9 Shampoo safe bet?
IHT 9 is a PERFECT daily hair care Shampoo as this can be used by anyone who want healthy hair and disease free scalp. All of us need a shampoo any way, but since IHT 9 Shampoo is a safe product without any chemicals and also contain natural herbs which have hair regrowing properties, it can be used as a shampoo for regularly cleaning hair and keeping them healthy.

Now, let me first list other ingredients of IHT 9 Shampoo and then outline benefits of some of the ingredients IHT 9 Shampoo contains:

- Saw Palmeto or Serenoa Serrulata
- Indian Goose Berry
- Reetha or Sapindus Mukorossi
- Shikakai or Acacia Concinna
- Bhringraj or Eclipta Alba
- Neem or Azadirachta Indica
- Jatamansi or Nardostachys Grandiflora
- Heena or Lawsonia Inermis
- Aloe Vera or Barbadensis Miller

Let us first understand the importance and benefits of Saw Palmeto. Studies have shown that saw palmetto is an effective anti-androgen. When we discuss hair loss, then one of the most common types discussed is androgenetic alopecia. In men, this condition is also known as male-pattern baldness. (Although androgenetic alopecia is a frequent cause of hair loss in both men and women, it is more common in men. This form of hair loss affects an estimated 35 million men in the United States. Androgenetic alopecia can start as early as a person's teens and risk increases with age; more than 50 percent of men over age 50 have some degree of hair loss. In women, hair loss is most likely after menopause.)

Researchers have determined that androgenetic alopecia is related to hormones called androgens, particularly an androgen called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Saw Palmeto, firstly, lowers levels of DHT in the body by Blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Secondly Saw Palmetto block receptor sites on cell membranes required for cells to absorb DHT. Saw Palmeto, actually acts in a similar way that Propecia (contains finasteride, is a drug with SIDE EFFECTS like impotence, low libido, erectile dysfunction etc.) to fight hair loss. It works by preventing testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone, which has been linked to male pattern baldness) does.

Another herb which is a key ingredient in IHT 9 Shampoo and I feel must be discussed here is Reetha (Sapindus Mukorossi). Commonly known as Soap Nut, it is actually the fruits of this plant and is used as natural soap for washing hair. It is a great hair tonic and a natural cleanser for washing hair. It forms a rich, natural lather and is still being used as a naturally produced shampoo by the rural folks in India for washing their hair.

Similarly, Eclipta alba (bhringraj) is also the best known herb for preventing balding and premature graying. It is reported to improve hair growth and colour. The benefits of herbs (other ingredients of IHT 9 Shampoo) Indian Goose Berry, Neem or Azadirachta Indica and Shikakai are well-known and documented.

However, I will highlight the benefit of Aloe vera in terms of its hair care properties. It works wonder for hair loss caused because of Seborrhoea. Seborrhoea is caused when the body produces excess amount of sebum. Sebum is secreted by hair glands and is a natural oily substance. The excess secreted sebum spreads over the surface of the scalp, spread infection which can damage the hair follicles. Aloe Vera gels also curb excessive hair loss by renewing the follicular cycle. This is achieved by helping the scalp return to a physiological balance.

Why I Will Recommend IHT 9 Shampoo?
I will recommend IHT 9 Shampoo mainly for following 3 reasons:

Reason 1: Though all its ingredients are natural and effective, yet I will recommend IHT 9 Shampoo for its two ingredients - Fenugreek and Saw Palmeto. Both these herbs, as I have already mentioned above, not only combat hair loss but can also regrow lost hair.

Reason 2: IHT 9 Shampoo is FREE from chemicals, particularly dangerous chemicals like SLS & Paraben. Majority of shampoos available in market have these two cancer causing chemicals.

Reason 3: IHT 9 Shampoo is absolutely safe for regular use. And you get a win win formula for hair care. Even if does not regrow lost hair, it will at least control hair loss. Moreover, unlike other chemical laden shampoo it will at least NOT harm your scalp and health of hair.

I have myself used IHT 9 Shampoo (Batch No. RI-318) and review is based on usage of the product and ingredients. In no way, this review of IHT 9 Shampoo be considered as commercial recommendation and the information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.

You may visit the official web site of this product here:

Meanwhile, I have come across a hair comb made with the wood of neem tree. It is believed that since neem is hair friendly, therefore, regular combing with this neem wood comb may control hair loss and dandruff. You may even try using these combs to get rid of hair problems.

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