Monday, June 23, 2014

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results!

"Our history is replete with the doings of the Ulema who have brought humiliation and disgrace to Islam in every age and period," said Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in an interview o journalist Shorish Kashmiri for a Lahore based Urdu magazine, Chattan, in April 1946. He further asked,"The upholders of truth are exceptions. How many of the Ulema find an honourable mention in the Muslim history of the last 1,300 years? There was one Imam Hanbal, one Ibn Taimiyya. In India we remember no Ulema except Shah Waliullah and his family. The courage of Alf Sani is beyond doubt, but those who filled the royal office with complaints against him and got him imprisoned were also Ulema. Where are they now? Does anybody show any respect to them?"

In a recent discussion at popular web magazine, Sultan Shahin and Ghulam Mohiyuddin raised questions like - Can Jihadis be dismissed as common criminals or should their wide acceptance as puritans worry Muslims? Is this an ideological issue or a mere law and order problem?

Taliban and Boko Haram are discussed because they are no ordinary criminals. They kill muslims by committing suicide in belief that by doing so they will go to heaven. They, in fact, should be called as Islamist terrorists. They consider themselves followers of what they call "pure" Islam and a large number of Muslims consider them the best of Muslims. These terrorists have admirers among Muslims all over the world including Pakistan. These Islamist terrorists go to mosques with suicide vests and kill themselves during prayer in order to kill fellow Muslims so that they reach heaven instantaneously and take ownership of their 72 wives waiting for them there. Sultan Sahin asks,"Which gang of ordinary criminals - mere law and order problem - does these things"?

Taking this discussion to another level, Ghulam Mohiyuddin write, "Quran does not allow such extremist beliefs and behavior, but the Islamophobes keep quoting from the Quran to contradict us. This back-and-forth has been going on for several years, but it is not getting us anywhere. Even if what we are saying is correct and what the Islamophobes are saying is false, we do need to find NEW ways to make such gross misinterpretations impossible. Einstein defined insanity as: "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

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